

In the midst of a crowded metropolitan city bustling with rich cars and highly educated people, lives a small boy called ’Chhottu’. Deprived of the basic ability to read and write alphabets and numbers, he is used to being subjugated under a violent man who runs a car garage. Since none from Chottu’s family can read or do minimum calculation they are cheated of a large amount of the promised wages every month. This is the story of Chhottu but it also shows that not every individual in our society is equally privileged. The government policies and laws may promise many rights to the underprivileged children and make attempts to eliminate or reduce disparity, but it is a fact that many children are devoid of the right to education. Our society is quite influential in deciding our satisfaction for life. The way we perceive it makes us feel low or high. Not every individual in our society is equally privileged. We might argue that there are NGO’s, semi-government bodies and many Non profit organizations dedicated for this purpose. The collective power of each contribution from each individual’s insignificant acts is immense and can help fill the gaps in education provided by formal schools. Most underprivileged children either miss school education or attend schools where teachers are under trained. They are mostly constrained by finances in low income households which can hardly manage to earn them bread and shelter. Children of rickshawalas, labourers, maids and other groups on society who do not have access to quality education can be benefited if we are ready to educate them. “Each One Teach One” representatives can have some kind of coordination through meetings to keep a track of the activities going on and having some prominent members like leaders, coordinators and facilitators to enable this. The best thing about such informal systems of education is that they have no legal norms to abide by and can contribute more freely and reach the masses easily. All that is needed is a will to teach combined with initiative taken by the society. Even the underprivileged children or adults to be taught should be taken in confidence and benefits of education understood by them to make them receptive for the purpose. If the educated class devotedly comes out to work for this social cause, we can easily reach our aim of freeing the nation from shackles of illiteracy.

Our school recently has taken up a project called “TEACH INDIA” under the aegis of the local daily newspaper The Times of India. The aim of this project is to train selected students who have the will and skill to teach “Spoken English” to the sub-staff (Ayahs/peons/cleaners/ gardeners who speak only vernacular) of the school. Committed students will devote 10 days of their summer vacation to this project. They will be certified after the completion of the project.

Sharing And Caring In Our Life

1] How can food be a part of sharing and caring? India is a country where lots of festivals, ceremonies and celebrations take place and a variety of food is prepared and served in large quantities. But the consumption by guests is limited which results in the wastage of food. To avoid wastage we can share the leftover food by distributing and serving the same to the poor and needy people. In that way the share and care aim is fulfilled. 
2] How can printing of photographs be a part of sharing and caring? Generally we keep our memories in the form of photographs duly framed. Instead of printing and framing the photographs which is not Eco-friendly, we can share them through Internet media or in the soft form. In that way we are able to share photographs and care for nature too. 
3] Role of plants in sharing and caring: Flowers are the beauty of a garden and to please our near and dear ones we pluck them and gift them as a bouquet. Instead of flowers if we gift saplings it would be an eco friendly act. This way both purposes can be served .

''Sharing and caring is when given from the heart with pleasure, the returns are many and the awards are without measure''